Hey guys! hope everyone is having a great day. As for me, Im feeling strong, focus, determine and happy with my progress. Its been a long time in the making, I can recall not being able to even walk a block with out losing my breath.. Now I understand when they say that through the struggle and pain come progress. I have seen these at 1st hand. Now I can breath. =) Now I would like to share a 5 things on why I started running and training for a 5K. Before I began running for fun, I was your average Joe just sitting there getting fat without even realizing what I was doing. After ending a relationship that wasn't going any where, I had to take a stand against all my bad habits if I wanted to really change my life. So I began,
# 1. I asked my self how can I do this if I tried many times but I never keep my own promises, So since Its my life, I forgave myself for all my failed attempts, After this I made a new agreement with myself, expressing that this time I would be a "Man of My Word" and stick to my goal of losing weight and making it a lifestyle instead of a DIET. # 2. I wrote down several things that could remain the same if I didn't make a change in my life. The first thing that came to mind was; weight, If I stayed at 430 and didn't exercise. I would gain and I could easily be over 600+ pounds in 2-3 years, Who in the right mind would love a person of that size. NO ONE! So I told myself nope that wont be me. What If I was 600+, how would I move around, Would I be able to walk, Would I have enough money to support myself?What If i cant work? What If I need Med's for my obesity?. By exploring my biggest worries and fears I was able to realize the damage I was doing, and from their I was able to accept a "New Mindset" that would help me better my life and become a better person. #3. Everything in life is hard because you don't know how its done, but once you put in work and get your self aquatinted nothing is impossible.. All that is needed is a few key traits to help you thru this journey. Learn to be patient, just because you want it now! doesn't mean you will get it. Life is not always about Instant gratification. So remember Patiences is a virtue. Determination is another key, be a determine to not let yourself fail, make it a life or death situation. Im sure you want to live, fight to live. Another key trait has to be Consistency, this will be the biggest one to your success. Learn to stay on top of your routine and workouts, The more you do the better it will be in the long run. #4. Teach yourself about healthy foods, exercises and how to follow a proper nutrition. Once you have this knowledge, Start practicing it making it part of your every day life. If you don't prepare you will fail. Remember that. #5. Once your serious about changing your life, its now time to "Sign-Up" for an upcoming 5K event. Doing this will help you stay motivate to continue your workouts and your training to complete your first 5K. Remember that their no rush or time limit. Your racing yourself and no one else. Set your PR and then work towards breaking it. The Last thing I would like to say. Is to remember the feeling you will get once you cross that finish line. I personally remember all my emotions goings haywire because I felt so proud of what I had accomplished, and at the moment I knew nothing was impossible. I hope this can help you stay motivate. remember #run2Improve, your mind, body and soul.