welcome back, Its now officially been 5 days into the new year. 2022. I am happy to still be alive and breathing. Thank you god for another year and I know this one will be different. I decide to make a few changes to help me regain some of my precious time. Turning 39 made me realize that I need to spend more time doing thing that I love doing and also understanding that my efforts and time are valuable and its ok to help others but not to spread myself thin. So with this being said one of my change is that I decide that I will not be posting as much of my life as before, this time Im taking it back to the basic and just focusing on the work at hand, not being to concern on what I should post wont be part of my life any more. Today its 1/12/2022. I happy to be back writing this entry. I managed to pick up a bug and ended up being sick from 1/7-1/11. FYI it wasn't CORONA or any other strain. Just a plain FLU. So now on this beautiful Wed morning I'm I happy to say I'm almost back to 100%. This morning I was able to get up at my normal routine time which is 4am, and I had the energy to start my training. I was excited and also nervous because it been about a month since I ran. Not running cause me to gain weight, so I went from my NORMAL set weight of 302, up to 320. You could say I had a good time over the holidays. But now I'm happy to be back at it and once again starting from scratch. I'm lucky to say that being sick helped me lose weight and I got back down to 312. So now that I'm back on the road I'm ready to get cracking on these miles. Heavy Weight Runner OTG! During the next 7 weeks I plan to get ready for my 1st major race of 2022. I am happy to say that I will be out there running the HALF MARATHON. I will be doing the LAS VEGAS ROCK & ROLL HALF 13.1, which is on 2/27/2022. For those that know me I been running this race since 2016 and I don't plan on stopping. Here is a list of my times. For those that are interested in what I will be running these next 7 weeks. I will add a photo of my 7 WEEK HALF MARATHON TRAINING PLAN. 2016- 3:33:18 13.1 2017- 3:15:17 13.1 2018- 3:43:12 13.1 2019- 3:37:16 13.1 2020- 0:00:00 Race CX 2021- 0:00:00 Race CX' 2022- SEEKING A PR FROM THE AVERAGE OF ALL 4 RACE. (3:32:00) So with this been said, it's time to work. I can't wait to also see a good friend of mine. She will be coming down to run the event . Her name is Tracy B, and she is also on her own weight loss journey. I hope many of you received my 2022 Newsletter, which is designed to share upcoming races, info about my projects, and my business. Along Free Races, Podcast, and much much more..
January 2022- NewLetter Link: Check It Out! https://mailchi.mp/d81aec96f868/2022-r2i-january-monthly-newsletter Thank you once again for stopping, see you next entry.